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Collection: Oakscape

Portland is home to a very special Oak savannah eco-system.  Oregon White Oaks and their companion prairies once dominated the Willamette Valley and supported over 300 species of wildlife and plants.  The remnants of these Oak landscapes can still be enjoyed at Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge, Sauvie Island and parts of Overlook Bluff.  Join a growing movement of people in Portland who want to support our beautiful native Oregon White Oak and its companion prairie by preserving existing trees in your yard, adding companion prairie below, and converting sunny lawns into new Oakscapes for future generations to enjoy.  The plants listed here are referenced in Conserving Oregon White Oak in Urban and Suburban Landscapes (Wilson & Labbe, 2017), a fantastic guide we recommend for learning more and planning your own Oakscape.

41 products
  • Wild Strawberry
    Bright green groundcover of Oregon's native Wild Strawberry (Fragaria virginiana). One of 150+ species of Pacific Northwest native plants available at Sparrowhawk Native Plants, Native Plant Nursery in Portland, Oregon.
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