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Community Partnership Program


Earn Up to $5,000 for Your Cause!

Sparrowhawk's model is based on the idea that we all get further by sharing resources and leveraging relationships. Each pop-up event is co-hosted by a community organization that gets a share of the proceeds, up to $5000! Together, Sparrowhawk and community partners publicize the importance of native plants in a healthy ecosystem and share staffing and event coordination responsibilities.

Our intention is to partner with community organizations that actively center racial equity, habitat conservation and environmental justice. We prioritize partners that are BIPOC-led and that provide direct services to BIPOC communities.

Check out the partnership details below. Then, if you think it could be a good fit for your organization, start the conversation by completing our "Partner Interest Form" (link at bottom of page) and we'll follow-up with you directly. 

~ Plants for the Planet, Proceeds for the Community ~

Sparrowhawk Provides:

  • Educational and secure website for ordering plants: https://sparrowhawknativeplants.com/
  • Publicity Lead: we publicize widely across multiple platforms (i.e. 11,000+ email list; 5,000+ social media followers) and provide a comprehensive marketing toolkit for partners to use
  • Volunteer Support: we provide a toolkit of resources to support partners as they recruit event volunteers including; a fillable volunteer schedule, descriptions of roles, skills/experience, and shifts needed, and example email text for partners to use in recruitment, scheduling and follow-up communications
  • Native Plants and Plant Expertise: neonic-free, sourced from reputable, independent businesses, all-season plant identification and expertise in how plant species function in residential, commercial and parks/natural area landscapes
  • Customer Service Lead: we manage customer service and handle all financial transactions during the online ordering period, as well as onsite
  • Insurance: upon request, Sparrowhawk can provide certificate of liability insurance with coverage of $1,000,000 per occurrence
  • Event Coordination and Logistics: we have 12+ years of experience running large plant sales and provide a safe and efficient event layout and customer/traffic flow
  • Overnight Security: onsite security guard ensures plant inventory stays safe overnight
  • Fundraising Give-back to Partners: up to $5,000 available to partners. The 2025 giveback worksheet is HERE.

Community Partner Provides:

  • Staffing/Volunteers: for plant sorting and labeling, and event days; approx 32 four-hour volunteer shifts across three days; includes recruitment, scheduling, coordination and communication (Sparrowhawk supports, see above)
  • Publicity Support: Spread the word about sales through partner's community and marketing channels. Sparrowhawk will provide checklist of items to complete, including but not limited to social media, e-newsletters, blogs, fliers, events, website, etc.
  • Wheelbarrows/Garden Carts: Supply 8 fully-functioning wheelbarrows or large garden carts for three day event. 
  • Location (optional but strongly preferred): Supply and manage all communications and approvals for a large outdoor space (i.e. paved parking lot) for 3-day, Thurs - Sat event. If the partner wishes to secure this location element of the fundraising giveback they must secure a suitable location as well as be the primary point person for all ongoing communications and logistics. Location must be approved for suitability by Sparrowhawk prior to finalizing and must include: 
    • Equivalent of 55 parking spaces; 22 for plant set-up, 25 for customer parking, 8 for staff/volunteers. Street parking may be considered for customer/staff parking if safe, easy and close. Note: if the plant pickup includes a broader community event where attendees are encouraged to enjoy activities, visit outreach tables, etc, more parking spaces would be required to accommodate folks staying longer.
    • Access to outdoor water spigot/hose and approval to use infrequently during the event if needed. 
    • With the new climate reality, the site must have some afternoon and evening shade provided by tall trees or other structures on the west side of the property 
    • Onsite restrooms are not required, but increases the host’s financial giveback. If a restroom is provided, it must include handwashing facilities and be available to staff/volunteers during all three event days, as well as overnight access (keypad, code, etc) for the overnight security guard. If onsite restrooms are not available, Sparrowhawk will provide a port-a-potty.
    • Access to indoor "breakroom" space for getting out of nasty weather and space for locking up event supplies overnight is not required, but is greatly appreciated.

Interested in exploring a partnership with us? Please submit our five minute PARTNER INTEREST FORM.