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Solidago canadensis var. elongata (West Coast Goldenrod)
Achillea millefolium (Common Yarrow)
Aquilegia formosa (Western Red Columbine)
Clarkia amoena (Farewell-to-spring)
Collomia grandiflora (Grand Collomia)
Eriophyllum lanatum (Oregon Sunshine)
Gilia capitata (Blue Globe Gilia)
Iris tenax (Oregon iris)
Lomatium utriculatum (Spring gold biscuitroot)
Lupinus polyphyllus (Bigleaf lupine)
Potentilla gracilis (Slender cinquefoil)
Prunella vulgaris var. lanceolata (Lanceleaf selfheal)
Sidalcea virgata (Rose checkermallow)
Sidalcea campestris (Meadow checkermallow)

Wildflower Seed Mix - Pollinator Hedges and Edges

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This composition of wildflowers is designed to provide resources for a multitude of pollinators. With a taller stature, it will work perfectly along property-lines, hedgerows, and fencelines. It is multi-tiered with species blooming at every level.

Packet covers approx 15 sq ft.

Species included:

Achillea millefolium - Common yarrow

Aquilegia formosa - Western red columbine

Camassia leichtlinii - Great camas

Clarkia amoena - Farewell-to-spring

Collinsia grandiflora - Giant blue-eyed Mary

Collomia grandiflora - Grand collomia

Eriophyllum lanatum - Oregon sunshine

Gilia capitata - Blue globe gilia

Heracleum maximum (lanatum) - Cow parsnip

Heuchera chlorantha - Meadow alumroot

Iris tenax - Oregon iris

Linguisticum apifolium - Celeryleaf licorice-root

Lomatium nudicaule - Barestem biscuitroot

Lomatium utriculatum - Spring gold biscuitroot

Lupinus latifolius - Broadleaf lupine

Lupinus polycarpus (micranthus) - Smallflower lupine

Lupinus polyphyllus - Bigleaf lupine

Phacelia nermoralis - Oregon phacelia

Potentilla gracilis - Slender cinquefoil

Prunella vulgaris v. lanceolata - Lanceleaf selfheal

Ranunculus occidentalis - Western buttercup

Sidalcea campestris - Meadow checkermallow

Sidalcea malviflora (virgata) - Rose checkermallow

Sanicula bipinnatifida - Purple snakeroot

Solidago elongata - West coast goldenrod

Viola praemorsa - Canary violet

Wildflower meadow establishment

Site location and Preparation:

Wildflower meadows need an open sunny area with at least 6 hours of full sun per day to thrive. Reduce weeds on the soil surface prior to sowing – good site prep is crucial for success. Try not to skimp on this part of the process. Your site should be as free of existing vegetation as possible. Sod removal, seedbank removal, solarization, sheet mulching, digging, and any combination thereof are all options. Tilling, however, is not recommended as it will bring a whole host of weed seeds to the surface where they will germinate – they are best left buried!  


In the Willamette Valley, September through November is the best time for planting wildlflower seed mixes. They can still be planted into late winter, but this is not optimal. Most of these species need some exposure to cool temperatures and damp conditions before germination can occur – and the period of exposure varies from species to species. If planted too late in the fall/winter season, some species may not receive their required stratification period and, therefore, may not germinate.

Seeding Tips:

Seed/Sq Ft: A common target seeding rate for the Willamette Valley is 30 – 60 seeds/sq. ft. With the lower end being on a very clean site and the upper end being a site with some existing vegetation. 

One option is to mix the seed with a cutting agent for the best distribution. Inert materials such as vermiculite, coarse-textured sand, rice hulls, and sawdust are all viable options. Mix seed with equal or greater amount of cutting agent. To help achieve a more uniform distribution you can cut the mixture in half. Apply half walking in one direction and the other half walking in a perpendicular direction.

It is OK to cover seed with a light dusting of soil (sift potting soil through a sieve to dust the seeded area with fine soil). Cover only until you can barely see the cutting agent – no more. Some seed species need light to germinate. However, this very thin layer may help hasten germination and help minimize seed predation.

Post-seeding care:

Watering: If there is no rain in the immediate forecast, water in the newly sown seeds.  Also, if there is no rainfall within a few days, water only lightly as needed until you see some seeds sprouting.

Fertilizing: It is not necessary to fertilize your wildflower meadow under normal conditions. Native plants do not require fertilizer, and the application of fertilizer with high nitrogen content will tend to encourage weed growth.

For information regarding Meadowscaping, check out this link and their awesome handbook:

 Meadowscaping Handbook

Photo Credits: Willamette Wildlings