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Close-up of Lady Fern (Athyrium filix-femina) frond. One of approximately 200 species of Pacific Northwest native plants available at Sparrowhawk Native Plants nursery in Portland, Oregon.
Lady Fern (Athyrium filix-femina) frond. One of approximately 200 species of Pacific Northwest native plants available at Sparrowhawk Native Plants nursery in Portland, Oregon.
Mature growth habit of lady fern (Athyrium filix-femina) in a shady raingarden. One of approximately 200 species of Pacific Northwest native plants available at Sparrowhawk Native Plants nursery in Portland, Oregon.
Lady fern (Athyrium filix-femina) in a backyard habitat garden. One of approximately 200 species of Pacific Northwest native plants available at Sparrowhawk Native Plants nursery in Portland, Oregon.
Lady fern (Athyrium filix-femina) in its natural habitat in the Pacific Northwest. One of approximately 200 species of native plants available at Sparrowhawk Native Plants nursery in Portland, Oregon.

Lady Fern

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Athyrium filix-femina

Lady fern is a large, decorative fern that unfurls its delicate bright green fronds in late spring. It grows and multiples effortlessly and tolerates significantly more sunlight than other native ferns, provided enough moisture is present. It is deciduous, meaning the fronds turn brown and die back entirely in the fall, preparing to burst forth with new life each spring. Its versatility and graceful beauty make it a staple of Pacific Northwest habitat gardens. 

  • Plant type/canopy layer: deciduous, perennial, fern
  • Size at maturity: up to 4' tall, 2' wide
  • Light requirements: full shade, part sun/part shade, full sun
  • Moisture requirements: moist to wet soil, prefers well-drained
  • Bloom time: n/a
  • Growth rate/ease: moderate growth rate, easy to grow 
  • Wildlife support: fronds are browsed by some large mammals, including bears; overall plant provides nesting and refugia habitat for birds and small mammals
  • Native habitat/range: commonly grows in moist to wet forests, meadows and streambanks. It is circumboreal - meaning it has an expansive range spanning boreal regions of the temperate Northern Hemisphere. Portland Plant List - yes.
  • Special features & uses: deer resistant; medicinally has been used in tea to relieve labor pains and general body pains, young unfurled fronds eaten to treat internal ailments and dried powdered root has been applied externally to heal sores; landscape uses include raingardens and edges of woodland gardens

Gardening with Lady Fern: Lady fern prefers moist to wet soils in partial sun. The more sun it receives, the more moisture it requires. Once established, it can reproduce vigorously through spores and rhizomes creating lush cover in the woodland garden or excellent gifts for friends. After dying back in fall, some may consider the withered fronds a bit unsightly - though, wildlife consider it excellent habitat. Try interplanting it within your partially shady raingarden or woodland garden with Oregon oxalis, slough sedge, inside-out flower and osoberry.

Photo Credit 1 (frond closeup): © Bryn, some rights reserved (CC-BY) 

Photo Credit 2 (full frond): © Connie Taylor, some rights reserved (CC-BY) 

Photo Credit 3 (raingarden): Tracy Cozine, Sparrowhawk Native Plants

Photo Credit 4 (against house): Nikkie West, Sparrowhawk Native Plants

Photo Credit 5 (in the wild): © Ed Alverson, some rights reserved (CC-BY)Â