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Order $150 in plants for a chance to win another $150 in plants! Click here for RAFFLE info.

Spring 2025 - Pop-up #2 - A Food Sovereignty Coalition

Portland Fruit Tree Project (PFTP) and Feed'em Freedom (FFF) work together (and separately) to provide fresh food to Portland, including collaborating directly on orchard planting and care, and ongoing community and backyard harvests that supplement food pantries run by Feed'em Freedom and others.

The mission of PFTP is to increase equitable access to healthful food and strengthen communities by empowering neighbors to share in the harvest and care of city-grown produce. With $2,500 from the sale, Portland Fruit Tree Project can distribute an additional 700 pounds of fruit gleaned from the community to our pantry partners!

Learn more and get involved at www.portlandfruit.org 


Feed’em Freedom Foundation (FFF) ignites and centers Black Agriculturists to participate as owners and movement leaders within agriculture, land stewardship, regional food security response, and economic prosperity. We are Black-led small farm incubator that supports emerging Black farmers to grown and celebrate culturally-specific ancestral foods. Black families have faced unprecedented food insecurity due to the pandemic. Currently, 1 in 5 Black families in Oregon experience hunger, with 18% of Black families experiencing high food insecurity – a statistic that is three times higher than White, non Hispanic families. Our programs build economic strength that flows from our community of food producers directly into the homes of families most in need.FFF grew out of the work of Mudbone Farm, a Black-owned small farm enterprise that grows and celebrates Black food  sovereignty. Mudbone Grown has deep connections with BIPOC producers, and we see the Black Community Food Center as the space where we aggregate small producers’ crops and form growing contracts in collaboration with BIPOC processors to build sustainable community wealth.

Learn more and get involved at www.feedemfreedom.org.

Pick-up your plants at our second pop-up in East Portland (Parkrose Community Church - 12505 NE Halsey St), on Fri, April 25 or Sat, April 26 to support this dynamic partnership!